There was one depressing moment during the evening, though. As Christy and I were standing in line, we couldn't help but overhear the conversation that the teen girls behind us were having. They were discussing whether or not they were old enough to get into the concert without having an adult with them.
One girl asked the other, "When were you born?"
The other girl said, "1994."
Suddenly the reality of the situation hit me. I graduated from High School (Go Maroons!) the same year that the girl behind me in line was born!
Questions immediately popped into my head.
Does it make me cool that I am into the same music as a teenage girl?
Is it good that I don't view myself as being 31 years old?
Is everyone in this line wondering what the old guy is doing here?
I decided not to worry about it and enjoy the show.
As we were leaving the concert I noticed that sitting along the wall on a bench near the exit were many adults who obviously had brought their kids to the show. The looks on their faces screamed, "Get me out of here. It's late and my head is pounding from all this loud music."
I thought to myself, "Man, they're old."
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