Saturday, October 31, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Four Months
"We have learned that suffering is not the worst thing in the world...disobedience is." - A Vietnamese pastor who was imprisoned for his faith.
I came across this quote in "Foxe - Voices Of The Martyrs" and I thought it would be good to share. It is easy to assume that nothing could be worse than extreme suffering...but for Christians who have been in the midst of that in other parts of the world, there is something worse. Time and time again, I hear about persecuted Christians remaining obedient to Christ even in moments of great suffering. This intense focus on the Savior and His will sustains these saints as they suffer because of His name. I believe that disobedience during suffering would not lead to comfort and peace, but instead would lead to an even greater torment.
If Christians in situations such as these can remain obedient to Christ, then why is it so hard for us?
I have found that the most fulfilling times in my life have come when I have been obedient to Christ. I believe that these first four months as a volunteer for The Voice Of The Martyrs is a testimony of that.
Christy is currently continuing in her role as Apartment Manager/Assistant To The Facilities Director. I am currently continuing in my roles at Bibles Unbound and Order Fulfillment. Both of us are glad to be serving in these roles.
Last month I mentioned that VOM was preparing for a big move from one facility to another. Well, the move has happened! We are in an amazing new facility that will surely enhance the effectiveness of this ministry. Please continue to pray for VOM as we adjust to new surroundings and procedures.
Due to Christy's position as Apartment Manager, we have recently had the opportunity to meet some really cool VOM staff people from other parts of the world. I have been blown away by the bond that exists between brothers and sisters in Christ who not only do not know each other, but who also live on separate continents.
We appreciate all the support we get from you! Here are a couple areas that you can continue to pray for us:
- Our home is still on the market in Mt. Orab, Ohio. We have been trying to sell it since last November.
- Christy and I have already started to pray and think about what God wants us to do when our year committment here with VOM comes to an end in March 2010. It seems weird to think about this already, since it seems like we just got here, but we believe it is necessary to begin to be aware of the different opportunities that are before us.
And, as always, please keep the persecuted church in your prayers. I really hope that all of you have subscribed to VOM's free monthly newsletter! If you haven't, go to and sign up. Over 500,000 people are subscribed. Just imagine the difference that is being made by 500,000 people praying for specific brothers and sisters who are being persecuted. I hope that all of you would want to be a part of that!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Calling You Out

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Ancient Wisdom - Applicable Today
"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" - Matthew 16:26.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
One Quarter
I thought this quote might be interesting to everyone, due to the recent events making the news about North Korea. In fact, I have found that since I have been working with The Voice Of The Martyrs over the past three months, I have seen headlines a bit differently.
At VOM, I receive daily information about what is happening to Christians in places like Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, and North Korea. Then, I log on to my favorite news websites and I read what the world media is reporting about these same countries. As I see the headlines and read the stories, I can't help but make a connection.
A couple of months ago, I heard a man who works in Iran speak. He told those of us who were in the room that he would like us to simply watch and pray. Watch for news stories on TV and the web about Iran. Then pray for the people there. He commented on how, in the midst of persecution, God is moving in a dramatic fashion in Iran. We, as Christians in the US, need to simply be attentive (watch) and pray for the people there.
I have applied this to not only Iran, but to other countries as well, including North Korea. When I saw (watched) headlines today about North Korea, I couldn't help but pray for the people there. In North Korea, there are people who know Christ and are being persecuted for it, and there are people who are living in spiritual darkness and need to know what Christ did for them on the cross.
As you go about your daily business, will you watch and pray for places like Iran and North Korea?
Like I said, Christy and I have been here three months. Christy is continuing with her work as Apartment Manager/Assistant To The Facilities Director. It has been an awesome opportunity to meet guests and volunteers from all over the world. I am continuing my work with the Bibles Unbound program and with Order Fulfillment. I love the crews that I work with along with the work that we do.
A busy time is coming up for both of us. In a couple weeks, VOM will be moving some of their operations out of their current warehouses and into a brand new facility! Everyone is very excited about the move, but at the same time, it is a huge task. Please pray that everything goes smooth and that important VOM work is not unnecessarily interrupted due to glitches. Christy and I are excited to be a part of this moment in VOM history.
I also want to point out a few things on a personal level.
- We had a great visit from Christy's mom, aunt, and cousin recently. One of the many highlights was going to watch an outdoor production of the musical "Oklahoma!".
- Our 8th anniversary is coming up on June 23!
- Please continue to pray for our house in Ohio to sell. God is providing for our needs in a tremendous way (partly through your support and prayers). We believe that God can sell our house in this tough economy.
- Christy and I are the "Missionaries" for a week of camp at Woodland Lakes in Ohio on June 21-26. We are honored. I wish so badly that I could be there for the week, but I can't. Please pray that the message of the persecuted church is communicated to the students at that camp through the literature I sent and through the web based communication that we'll be using with them. It's a bit unconventional, but I know God will work through it.
Thanks for all of your support and prayers.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Our Second Month
On one hand, time has flown by. It doesn't seem like it was two months ago that we were packing up our vehicles and heading west.
On the other hand, it seems like we've been here for a long time. I feel this way for a couple different reasons. First of all, some of the friendships that we've made feel a lot stronger than just two month relationships. It has been great to meet people that we really "click" with. Also, when I compare how little Christy and I knew about this ministry two months ago to what we know now, it seems like it would be impossible to learn it all in two short months. And, obviously, there is still so much to learn!
But, I think the main reason that I feel like we've been here longer than 2 months is because it is so clear to us that this is exactly where God wants us to be right now. When that happens in your life, when you know that where you are is where God wants you, you can't help but feel a peace and assurance that is really unexplainable.
We have only committed to being here for one year. After that, we have no idea what God will lead us to do. But, for right now, we can clearly see that this step was the step that God wanted us to take! Thanks to all of you who prayed for us and supported us as we decided to go this direction.
As far as what's been going on the past month, we do have some cool news.
Christy got the job as Apartment Manager for the guest/volunteer housing here on the VOM property. We moved in to our new apartment (The Pearl), and she began her new job on May 1st. It has been very eventful so far. Along with being the apartment manager, she is also the assistant to the facilities director. Obviously, she has been learning alot over the past couple weeks!
The main thing that I want to say about this job is what a huge answer to prayer it is. As most of you know, we committed to being volunteers here for one year, which means we were not getting paid a dime. Therefore, we raised support from friends and family. Thanks to the generosity of so many people and churches, we were able to make this move! One of the key factors in making this all possible was the sale of our home in Ohio. This key factor still hasn't happened (please continue to pray!). Due to the fact that we still own our home, we still have costs associated with that. These costs were above and beyond the amount we had budgeted and raised for our year of volunteer work.
Well, God took care of it. He provided this position to open up for Christy. The salary that is provided to her is actually just over the exact amount we need to cover our home expenses in Ohio!
The position of apartment manager is Christy's for 6 months. Will God sell our home in 6 months? Will he provide another source of income to cover our home costs once these 6 months are through if our home has not yet sold? Like I said, please continue to pray for this situation. And please thank God for providing in such an awesome way!
Another cool opportunity that we've had recently is to help lead worship in the chapel service that The Voice Of The Martyrs has for their volunteers and employees every Tuesday morning. We helped to lead worship a couple of weeks ago, and we will help again next week. As most of you know, Christy and I both love being a part of leading worship. Without having a church home here in Oklahoma, we were wondering if we would have the opportunity to serve in this way. But, once again, God provide for us by opening up these opportunities at VOM.
Speaking of not having a church home, I wanted to let you all know about what we've been doing every Sunday. Christy and I have rarely had the opportunity to visit a variety of churches on Sunday mornings. So, over the past couple months, we have done just that. It has been a very cool experience for us to be a part of different worship services in churches of all different shapes and sizes.
All of this, combined with a great visit from my mom last week, has made for an exciting month. We thank all of you for your support and prayers. We would love to hear from you if you get a chance.
Above all, please continue to pray for your brothers and sisters in chains all over this world.
Hebrews 13:3
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Jake In The House

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Try It, You Might Like It
Friday, April 10, 2009
Our First Month

- Both of us have been working with the Bibles Unbound program. We have helped to send hundreds of Bibles to individuals in China. We will soon be sending Bibles to individuals in other countries as well. One cool thing about this program is that you can be directly involved! Go to for more information.
- Christy has spent a lot of time helping out at the VOM main office. She has helped in a variety of ways there, including signing receipts, writing thank you cards, and putting together children's workbooks that teach about persecution across the world.
- I have been working in the warehouse in the order fulfillment department. VOM offers a ton of different materials that are all focused on persecution. We ship out many books, newsletters, other literature, t-shirts, and DVDs everyday. VOM offers these great resources to educate the world on persecution. I encourage all of you to visit From there, you can sign up for the absolutely FREE monthly newsletter! You can also find a link to all the other materials that VOM offers.
- In May, Christy will assume the role of Apartment Manager. For 6 months, Christy will be in charge of the volunteer housing that is owned by VOM. She will also be assisting the Facilities Manager during those 6 months. This position is a huge answer to prayer for Christy and I. We are excited about this opportunity!
- Every Tuesday, VOM offers a chapel service for its staff and volunteers. Christy and I have really appreciated these chapel services. Recently, we had the honor to go out to breakfast with one of the special guest speakers. I loved the opportunity to sit and talk with this man. He is an Iranian man who is involved with ministry to the Iranian people and he is involved with ministry to people right here in America. He told us many stories about the amazing things that are happening among the people of Iran right now. The Spirit of God is moving in the Middle East.
It has been a great first month for us. Thank you all for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for us. We would really appreciate your prayers concerning the fact that we still need to sell our house in Ohio!
As I write this on Good Friday, I am reminded of the cross. We see crosses everywhere in the USA. We freely display them in, on, and around our churches and homes. We freely wear them in the form of jewelry and on our clothing. The cross has become common (and often times, meaningless). Unfortunately, the message of the cross, while never meaningless, has also become common. We freely share it and hear it - especially this time of year.
There are places in this world, though, where the cross (both the symbol and the message) are not common and meaningless. There are places where the symbol is not freely displayed and worn, and where the message is not freely heard or shared. There are places where doing these things are a literal death sentence.
A note that was once smuggled from the underground church in Communist Romania stated, "We don't pray to be better Christians, but that we may be the only kind of Christians God means us to be; Christ-like Christians; that is, Christians who will bear willingly the cross for God's glory."
On this Good Friday, thank God for the cross. Thank God for the act of love that was displayed there. Ask God to give strength to those who bear willingly the cross in parts of this world where it is dangerous to do so. For we know that "the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church."
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Pickle Sickle
Thank You, Partners
These are all people and churches who have committed to praying for us and/or have given us financial support. Without all of you, we would not be able to do this year-long volunteer program at The Voice Of The Martyrs. While parts of this journey so far have been very difficult and very challenging for us, both Christy and I know that this is exactly where God wants us to be.
In the short amount of time that we have been here, we have already been blown away by VOM and how they operate. We are so excited for the rest of our year here...and whatever is beyond. I hope all of you who are partnering with us realize that you share with us in our excitement! We cannot wait to share with you the different things that we get to be involved in throughout the year.
Once again, thank-you. And, if your name should be on the list, but isn't, please let me know! Or, if you would like us to add your name...just contact me!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The past week has been quite a blur, filled with packing and traveling. Here are a few of the highlights.
After finally getting everything stored, sold, or packed, we headed out for our first destination – Clinton, IL – last Thursday evening. We arrived much later than we wanted to, but that was fine. At least my little truck made it that far pulling such a heavy U-haul. I was glad to unload it and get rid of it before going the rest of the way to Oklahoma. We had a great time in Clinton with my mom, brother, sister-in-law, and niece. It was also great to be able to attend First Christian Church on Sunday. I was given the opportunity to do the offering meditation for both of the services on Sunday morning. It was a chance for me to thank everyone for their generosity.
On Monday, Christy and I continued our journey west. I thought for sure we would be driving into some heavy rain. This would have been bad due to the fact that many of our belongings were in the back of my truck, covered by a tarp that I am sure would not have kept everything completely dry. But, somehow, no rain fell on us at all, despite the fact that we drove directly into tornado warnings in Missouri and Oklahoma. Which, by the way, is a great way to be welcomed into your new state! I love storms, and although I am a bit embarrassed to admit it, I love the movie Twister (which is not only about storms, but also takes place in OK). So, driving my truck into a tornado warning in Oklahoma was pretty exciting for me. I imagined myself driving directly towards the F5 as I prepared to launch Dorothy.
We arrived at our apartment dry and unharmed. Our apartment is very cool. The Voice Of The Martyrs has done an amazing job with the housing that they offer to their volunteers. And, if I could digress for one more second, there is a storm shelter near our apartment that is built to withstand an F4 – just in case you were concerned. Anyway, as I was saying, the apartment is wonderful. It's fully furnished, which is great – except for the fact that we are pack rats and are now wondering where to put all of our stuff. But, the furnishings are great. I can't say enough good stuff about the housing here! And, when you look out the window of our living room, you can see the future site of all of VOM's operations. It'll be amazing when it's finished.
Every Tuesday morning, VOM holds a chapel service. Christy and I made a point to attend. I didn't know that this weekly chapel took place and I am really looking forward to it. It is complete with a time of worship, a time of prayer, and a time of hearing a message from a selected guest speaker. After the chapel service, Christy and I met with a couple VOM employees who will be overseeing us as we serve here. We were then given a tour of the office complex.
The rest of the day Tuesday was spent "getting settled" here in Bartlesville. I did want to make all of you aware of one important detail. We opened a PO Box. You can send mail to this new address effective immediately – Jake and Christy Follis, PO Box 4026, Bartlesville, OK 74006.
We officially begin serving with VOM on Friday, March 13, 2009. They have graciously given us a couple of days here to just settle in and transition. I'll be sure to keep you all posted on our specific duties once we figure all of that out!
Please continue to pray for us! While we have always been very excited about this move and about this opportunity, it has proven to be much more difficult than I thought it would be. There has been a lot of stress associated with this move for various reasons. Please pray about that – and specifically pray about the selling of our home. We appreciate your prayers so much. We do not have the strength to do this ministry on our own. It is only through your prayers and God's power that we are sustained day by day!
One final note – soon I will be adding even more people to our partners list! I know there are some of you who have stated that you are in prayer for us and/or have given to use financially. We are having some wireless internet issues right at this moment, so I haven't had a chance to update the list. I apologize. Your names will be there shortly. Also, if you don't see your name on the list, but you have been praying for us and/or have given to us financially, please let me know. It is very possible that I have lost track inadvertently.
Thanks to all of you!
Friday, February 20, 2009
I can't explain it
An example of this would be the stereotypical computer tech guy. Many of us have asked a computer expert a question, only to be given a reply that is so filled with tech language that it does little to clear up the problem. That's when we hear the tech guy say, "MOVE," as he slides in front of our computer to fix the problem himself.
But, like I said, most of the time, I feel pretty good about my ability to explain things. For example, one time I was playing a game that really highlighted the importance of clear explanation and communication.
Here's how the game worked:
Each team consisted of 3 people. One person was given a small "model" made out of Lego's. Another person on the other side of the room was given those exact same Lego's, but they were not connected. These Lego's were loose in a Ziploc bag. But, other than not being put together, they were exactly the same as the model - the same shapes, the same colors, etc.
The goal of the game was to try and assemble the Lego's in the bag exactly like the put together model on the other side of the room. But, obviously there was a catch. The person with the model was the only one on the team allowed to see the model. He had to explain how the model was put together to the third person on the team. That person had to run to the other side of the room and tell the person with the pieces what to do, according to what they were just told.
The role I played was that of the person with the original model. So, I decided to give small bits of information to the "runner". Back and forth the runner went. Delivering my step by step instructions to the builder.
When the game was finished, our model was nearly perfect! The only error was a reversal of colors between two of the blocks. But, other than that, the team I was on had done an excellent job of communicating and explaining. It made me feel really good. I put a lot of pressure on myself to explain things well. So, to play the game so well made me feel like I had really accomplished something. I'm so your FACE, other teams.
Of course, whenever I start to feel that I'm so unbelievable, I'm always brought back to reality.
Lately, there has been something that I've had a hard time explaining. I think many people are not fully understanding why my wife and I would make the decision to sell a bunch of our stuff, try to sell our house at the worst possible time, quit our jobs, leave our families, and move to Oklahoma to work without getting paid for a non-profit organization called The Voice Of The Martyrs.
Does it really make sense to do this? Isn't it crazy to dump a nice, new 3 bedroom home for a 2 bedroom apartment? I'm moving in the wrong direction, right? It's not just a decrease in pay that I'm facing. I'm facing no pay at all. Can I really live off of the support of family and friends? What am I going to do when the year commitment is up? Do I really want to get rid of stuff that I've worked hard to accumulate? Is this a wise career decision? How does this affect my future financial security?
The questions could go on and on. These are questions that run through my mind and they are questions that others have asked me. And, for once in my life, I can't explain it - but I have to do this.
Of course, I realize that this looks crazy in many ways. But Christy and I have come to a place in our lives where God has been very clear about how He wants us to react to His call. How He wants us to react is simply, GO. This is merely step one for us.
In 2 Corinthians 2:17, Paul writes, "Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God."
Many of my friends who are in the ministry are good examples of people who "do not peddle the word of God for profit." These friends could be making a lot more money and be living much more extravagant lives if they chose other professions. But, they have responded to God's call on their lives to sacrifice their own comfort so that others may come into a relationship with Jesus Christ. These friends are the most joyful and fulfilled people I know.
I also have many friends and family members who may not be in "full-time" ministry careers, but who are still making daily sacrifices of their time, finances, and resources so that the Kingdom Of God is advanced. Just look at my list of partners to see examples of some of these people!
This world is temporary. I don't have much time here. The last thing I want to do is waste my time accumulating "things" and worrying about money. The result of me gaining things of this world is the loss of my soul. I also want to do whatever God tells me to do, without hesitation. He's in control, not me. Even if I don't fully understand His plan, I know He has a plan. I'm just glad to be a part of it. And, I am already experiencing an amazing fulfillment as I align myself with God's will for my life.
I don't have all the answers. I don't know how to convey to all of you what I know in my heart to be directly from God. All I know is that I am being sent from God, and I say that with the utmost sincerity.
I can't explain it.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
First and foremost, we really need to sell our home. As we all know, economic times are tough. It's not easy to sell a home these days. But, no matter how impossible things may look to me, I know that nothing is impossible for God. Therefore, I would like to ask you to pray for this situation. I don't know God's plan for how or when I will sell my house, but like I've said before, I know he has a plan. Join with me as I pray everyday that God will bring a buyer through my door so that we can serve in Oklahoma without the burden of owning a home in Ohio.
I know that many people are partnering with us through prayer...but, I haven't had too many of those people ask to be added to our "Partners" list. Please, if you are willing to commit to praying for us regularly, let me know. If you know me, you know that I have a terrible memory! This list will help me to remember who to keep in contact with about prayer needs and answered prayers. It will help me to remember to pray for you and your family. It will also serve as a source of encouragement for Christy and I as we are far from our friends and family. So, please contact me if you are willing to simply pray for us.
There is good news when it comes to our support raising efforts! Financially, we are nearly half-way to our goal and we are still expecting some additional commitments from a few more partners. The generosity of everyone has been overwhelming. I thank God everyday for those who have given to us!
There are things to pack, things to sell, and lots of arrangements to make! And through it all is the excitement of what is ahead of us.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Partner Through Prayer
Obviously, we are in need of financial support. I'd be lying if I said that raising financial support isn't one of my goals of communicating with all of you through this blog and the newsletter.
But, I also want to make it clear that it isn't my only goal. I hate the thought that some may be turned off by the fact that I ask for money. This is the first time in my life that I've ever had to "raise my own support," and to be honest, it's a bit uncomfortable. It doesn't come natural to me and it's one of the aspects of missions that scares me the most.
I've been humbled by the fact that some have stepped forward and offered financial assistance. It makes me realize that God's love has a way of motivating human beings to do the amazing - to take risks and step out in faith. God's love has a way of inspiring people to help and stand behind those who are following His call on their lives.
With that being said, let me mention another goal of the newsletter and this blog - PRAYER. Christy and I are encouraged to know that others are praying for us.
Please, if you are willing to regularly pray for us over the next year, let us know. The names of the partners to the right are not just those who have committed finances to us. The list is also for those who have committed to pray for us. You may not realize just how important it is for Christy and I to know that you care enough to pray for us as we take on a whole new way of life.
Contact me if you are willing to simply pray!
Read All About It
In other news...we are having an open house this Sunday from 1-3. Trying to sell a house in this economy is brutal. I hope the open house generates some interest. Please be in prayer for this. It's by far our biggest need!
I hope you are all having a great start to 2009!