Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Olympics: Things I Don't Understand

For the most part, I enjoy watching The Olympics. The Summer Olympics, specifically, always inspire me to play some beach volleyball. So, I played some last Sunday. I like volleyball for a variety of reasons. First of all, it's not a contact sport, which is good for someone as scrawny and weak as I am. Second, you don't have to run fast (or really run at all for that matter). This is good because not only am I slow, but I despise running except in the event of an emergency. I have no idea what I am doing in this picture, but you can assume it's awesome.

Anyway, as much as I enjoy The Summer Olympics, I still don't understand a few things. Here are a few things that puzzle me.

Why do I keep noticing the swimmers drinking a handful of water from the pool before their event? I personally think this is really disgusting. Of course, I am pretty grossed out by public swimming pools, water parks, etc. So, maybe it's just me. But, I still don't understand the need for a drink of highly chlorinated water.

Why do the divers immediately head for the showers after their dive? I cannot think of a logical explanation for this. I know there must be a good reason. I could probably find the answer to this question quite easily if I searched the web. But, honestly, I feel like I should be able to come up with the answer all by myself. I just can't!

What's with water polo? It looks pretty hard. I understand the general concept - that's not too difficult to grasp. But have you noticed all the whistling? What does that mean? I can never figure out what's going on.

These questions have been really nagging me the past couple of days.

Oh well, I guess I'll just stick with what I know - the French Horn.

1 comment:

Jake Follis said...

Ok, popping off of yahoo's homepage this morning was this article. I guess I wasn't the only one asking this question.,100472