If we look at our calendar or check out a web site dedicated to making us aware of these special months or days, we will find all kinds of interesting things. Some special dates are noble and great, while others are just for fun (or just plain ridiculous). I often wonder who the people are who get to choose some of these dates.
Yes, there are all sorts of monthly causes and special days out there. Personally, I'm not very passionate about most of them. But, recently, I learned about a special month that I can truly get behind. It's this month, it's November, and it's called Orphan Awareness Month.
One of my best friends, Matt Mehaffey, who I have known for many years has just started working for an organization called World Orphans. This organization is amazing. World Orphans is a non-profit organization that focuses on empowering the global church to rescue, care for, and prevent orphans around the world. World Orphans believes that the local church is the best way to care for orphans – to see children raised in a compassionate community of believers; to be cared for; to know, love, and share God’s love. Matt is serving as the southeast regional director and his ministry with World Orphans is 100% donor supported.
I understand that almost everyone reading this blog is already being generous with the finances that they've been blessed with. But, I just want you to consider helping my friend Matt raise the last bit of support he needs in order to get to the 100% mark.
Please read Matt's blog to find out more about him and his amazing family, which includes two awesome adopted sons! Check out the World Orphans web site to find out more about what exactly that ministry does to care for orphans around the world.
If you do nothing else...please watch this short video. I love the hope that is delivered through the message.
Once you have done these things, please prayerfully consider donating to Matt. Any amount would be appreciated.
I think what stands out to me the most...through everything...is what scripture clearly tells us in James 1:27 - "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..."
When was the last time you or I had a hand in looking after orphans? You can change that right now by supporting Matt and his ministry with World Orphans.
Copy and paste this link if you want to help Matt:
Or you can write and mail a check made out to World Orphans:
World Orphans
PO Box 1849
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Be sure to write "Support Mehaffey" on the memo line!
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