Basically, I said this...
If I asked you to use one word to describe the most obvious negative characteristic of our culture, what would you say? I would say, "selfishness."
We want more money, a bigger home, a better car, another car, and more stuff in general. We may want popularity, fame, recognition, and things to go 'our way.'
We are selfish from the smallest to the largest details of our lives.
It's easy for me to see selfishness in other people. I look around and I think, "Are you serious? He did what? She said what? Who do they think they are?"
Then I stop and I look at myself. I think, "I did what? I said what? Who do I think I am?"
Selfishness is everywhere. It's in you, in me, outside the church, and inside the church.
The Bible says a lot about selfishness. James writes, "For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."
Selfishness is like a gateway drug. It's a gateway sin. According to James, it leads to every evil practice.
We see a completely different characteristic in Jesus. In him, we see pure selflessness! From coming to walk among us, to spending immense amounts of time with 'the least' of society, to ultimately dying for all of us! It is Jesus who we are to imitate.
While it may be difficult to actually stop being a selfish person, I think it is really quite easy to identify one's selfishness and come up with action steps that move towards selflessness.
So, in an effort to do just that, I have identified selfishness within myself and I have decided to move towards selflessness by doing the simple task of giving up my 35th birthday in order to raise funds for an organization called Charity:Water.
You may have heard of Charity:Water. They have received a lot of press. I admit, though, I had not heard about them until I attended a Catalyst conference a few weeks ago in Dallas.
I love what Charity:Water does. Check out their page for all the info. The fact that 100% of donations go directly to the well digging projects is a really cool feature.
Here's the deal...for the few of you who were actually planning on getting me something or giving me money for my birthday, I would like you to instead go to my page on the Charity:Water website and a make a contribution for my campaign.
In reality, I know that most of you were not planning on sending me money or getting me a gift for my birthday. But, I would still like to encourage you to make a contribution to Charity:Water for my campaign. It's an unbelievable cause and it's tax deductible!
I believe this is a cause we can all get behind. No matter what you believe, where you are from, or what political party you align yourself with. And, above all, it's a chance for all of us to move a bit further from selfishness and a bit closer to selflessness...which is good for everyone!
Since June 13th, 2011 will be my 35th birthday, I have decided to use the number 35 as a "magic number." My goal of raising $700 will help about 35 people. Maybe you can give $35. But, even if you can't give that much, it's cool. Whatever you give will be so appreciated.
Thanks in advance, everyone! This will be a memorable birthday for me. Not because of what I have received, but because of what others receive.
Please check out the Charity:Water site and this link that will take you to my campaign.
sounds really cool
Thanks for the"drink", Jake! Thanks for sharing!
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