I think people ask me about lessons for a variety of reasons. One reason I believe they ask me about lessons is because they think that since my wife plays the piano and teaches the piano it's only natural that since I play the guitar I must be able to teach the guitar. I also think that most people, after hearing me play, assume that I must have enough knowledge of the instrument to be able to teach it. And finally, I think that there are even a few people who have never heard me play, but just assume that since I own a guitar I must be very good at it.
I honestly have never felt qualified to give guitar lessons, though. When I was a teen, my guitar teacher tried very hard to teach me scales and theory, but I was not interested in going that route. I just wanted the fast and easy track. All he had to show me was where to put my fingers on the neck and I was happy. I didn't care why they went there, I just wanted to rock!
Looking back on that attitude, I am very disappointed in myself. To this day, I still am not nearly as comfortable with guitar theory as I think I should be. When it comes down to it, my attitude has contributed to the fact that I am strictly a rhythm guitar player. I love playing guitar this way, but the down side is that I can do very little outside of those parameters.
My point is that I think that a music teacher needs to be held to a high standard. Music teachers should understand theory. They should be able to quickly name how many sharps and flats are in each key. They should be able to play any scale without hesitation. They should be able to answer any question that comes their way. I know a little about all that stuff, but I have never thought that I knew enough to teach.
How can I teach someone else to play a scale if I can't play it?
How can I explain what key a song is in if I can't remember how many flats are in the key?
How can I teach someone a chord if I don't know what the chord is myself?
Then I had a revelation! I can teach from a book! I don't have to come up with every little detail on my own. My knowledge, experience, and teaching ability, combined with an organized method of learning, can make for a very successful lesson - especially for a beginner guitar student.
So, I've researched the materials that are out there. I've narrowed it down to a few that I think are good. I've started to hang up flyers and I've worked out some blocks of time in my schedule. Now, all I need are students. I am focused on beginners. I believe I can start them off on the right track. Once they reach a certain level, they will certainly want to graduate to a new teacher who can take them further. But, until that time, I will be there to steer them in the right direction.
For all those interested, The Jake Follis School Of Rock is open for business!
I'm speaking at Rappahannock tomorrow. And i will be in Cincy at the U on March 5th. Will you be around?
Well said.
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